“The Realms of Chaos” - An Evening of Wild Adventures with Iain Miller in Cork helps raise €286 for SARDA!!!!
Proceeds of this entertaining,inspiring and highly informative talk are going to SARDA Search and Rescue Dogs...
SARDA Ireland is a voluntary 999 / 112 emergency search and rescue organisation concerned with the training, assessment and deployment of Air Scenting Search and Rescue Dogs to search for missing persons. Their dog teams, which consist of the handler and their dog, search anywhere in Ireland and are effective in the mountains, woodlands, rural and urban areas, waterways and seashore. www.sardaireland.com
This talk follows on from a highly entertaining and successful evening held recently with Andy Kirkpatrick on his “Cold Wars” book tour which raised the fantastic total of €864 for Kerry Mountain Rescue Team. We are delighted that this talk by Iain Miller was able to raise much needed funds for another of our Mountain Rescue teams and highlight the invaluable resource that they are and the magnificent job that they do.
Iain Miller – The Realms of Chaos
• First Ascents of over 60 virgin sea stacks in both Orkney and Donegal.
• Over 100 new climbing routes up Donegal sea stacks. Mostly solo and always totally and utterly alone.
• Over 1000 new rock climbs in Orkney and Donegal.
• Developed a unique method of nautical access ( a €20 Lidl Dingy !!! )

(You can check out Iain’s website at www.uniqueascent.ie
Raffle on the night with prizes of :
Dinner for 2 thanks to the Gleneagle - Killarney
€25 voucher thanks to Landers Outdoor Shop - Tralee
Handy outdoor accessories pack thanks to Army Surplus Store - Killarney/Midleton.30
30 Litre ruc-sac from The Outdoor Adventure Store-Cork
A massive thanks to those who donated the above and to UCC Mountaineering club for providing a great venue...
And of course thanks again to all who attended!!!